Vision, Mission, Core Values & Governance
Our Corporate Structure

We are a change agent that enables municipalities to be a fully engaged order of government with the capacity to build thriving communities.
We are the voice of Alberta's urban municipalities and we provide visionary leadership, solutions-based advocacy, and service excellence.
Core Values
- EXCELLENCE: Provide municipal expertise through timely, consistent and accurate services, continuous improvement and innovation.
- MEMBER FOCUS: Offer resources and solutions tailored to meet the needs of our members.
- ACCOUNTABILITY: Act with integrity and transparency.
- COLLABORATION: Establish networks and partnerships through which we engage and respond.
- COMMUNICATION: Inform, educate and listen to members and other stakeholders.
Alberta Municipalities is led by a Board of Directors elected by member municipalities during each annual convention. The Board is comprised of representatives from Alberta’s cities, towns, villages, summer villages, and specialized municipalities.
AMSC is the leader in providing innovative business solutions to municipalities and community organizations.
AMSC provides competitively priced, quality services for municipalities and community organizations to enhance their stability and capacity.
Core Values
- EXCELLENCE: Provide municipal expertise through timely, consistent and accurate services, continuous improvement and innovation.
- CUSTOMER FOCUS: Offer services and solutions tailored to the needs of our customers.
- ACCOUNTABILITY: Act with integrity and transparency.
- COLLABORATION: Establish networks and partnerships through which we engage and respond.
- COMMUNICATION: Inform, educate and listen to customers and other stakeholders
The Alberta Municipal Services Corporation is licensed to operate under the Alberta Municipalities brand and is led by a Board of Governors. In keeping with contemporary good governance practices, AMSC has a Board of 11 governors, five of whom are independent governors. The remaining six AMSC governors are also members of the Alberta Municipalities Board of Directors.