Welcoming & Inclusive Communities initiative

The Welcoming and Inclusive Communities (WIC) initiative works to support municipalities as they implement policies and practices that help overcome issues of racism and discrimination.

The WIC initiative

The WIC initiative works to create communities where all residents and visitors enjoy a sense of belonging and where diversity adds to the social and economic vibrancy of the community, improving the quality of life for all residents. 

We invite you to delve deeper and find the ideas, information, and resources that will support municipalities seeking to be more inclusive. Whether your municipality is just starting out, wants to evaluate its existing WIC initiatives, or is considering whether or not to join the Canadian Coalition of Inclusive Municipalities, these web pages are for you.

Welcoming & Inclusive Communities Action Partnership

In 2016, we expanded our efforts to support our members’ capacity to create Welcoming and Inclusive Communities with the help of grant funding received from Alberta’s Ministry of Labour and Immigration. That funding came to an end in the spring of 2022. You can read about those WIC efforts in our What We Learned Summary Report

wic [at] abmunis.ca (Contact us) if you have examples, updates, or resources that would add value for others.

