Other Valuable Services
We offer members a full suite of valuable business services to assist Alberta's municipalities and their municipally-related organizations in achieving the efficiencies and innovation they seek.
As part of our service commitment, we offer municipalities and municipally-related non-profit organizations the ability to post jobs online. Our Job Postings allows members to post job openings from Alberta municipalities and across Canada, helping to attract the optimal combination of skill set and experience.
The Alberta King’s Printer is a valuable resource for researching government-related documents and current legislation. It is updated continuously and is 100% searchable. Here is a sample of what you can access with your subscription:
- Alberta Gazette as it is published
- Annotated FOIP
- Alberta Rules of Court and Court calendar
- Energy, OHS, Health legislation databases
- Annual volumes 1996 to present
We provide this subscription on your behalf, saving you every year.
Casual legal service is included in membership fees for Regular and Associate Members of Alberta Municipalities. It is intended to be a risk mitigation tool available to any elected or appointed officials.
Casual legal advice aims to provide general guidance to members to assist them in avoiding potential legal problems. This general guidance is not legal advice in the context of a solicitor-client relationship, as no retainer is formed between the legal service provider and member.
Information on the type of guidance constituting casual legal advice must take place within a 5- to 15-minute telephone conversation. This advice does not include review of written documentation of any significant length, legal research or preparation of written legal opinions.
The opinion of legal counsel for casual legal advice will only be directed at the municipality not an individual, elected official, or employee. Where elected officials have differing opinions, especially relating to pecuniary interest, it is in the best interest of that individual to seek their own independent legal counsel.
The service is an important risk management tool for members in an increasingly litigious environment. Municipalities are encouraged to be proactive in their risk management initiatives, and look for ways to obtain information at an early stage to avoid more costly legal issues and litigation down the line. It is a simple, cost-efficient and easily accessible part of risk management. Here is a sampling of issues that can be discussed:
- Planning and development
- Conflict of interest/pecuniary interest
- Labour and employment
- Taxation and assessment
- Enforcement orders
Our Casual Legal service is available to Alberta Municipalities member-municipalities. To use our Casual Legal service, Alberta Municipalities members can call toll-free 1.800.661.7673 or casuallegal [at] abmunis.ca (email).
This service is not available to the general public.
As part of our ongoing commitment to provide robust human resources support and services to our members, Alberta Municipalities partners with Y Station to provide an annual wage and compensation survey.
This comprehensive survey establishes a benchmark for municipal compensation in Alberta, allowing our members to review their total compensation and be well positioned to attract and retain employees. The aim of the survey is to:
- Evaluate and compare current compensation rates for key positions.
- Better understand the labour market specific to municipalities.
- Assess each municipality’s current standing and future direction.
- Review total compensation to attract and retain employees.
- Gain insight into:
- The competitive marketplace
- Municipal Profile
- Union Membership
- Change in Salary
- Council Remuneration
- Council Benefits
- Staff Hours and Benefits
- Staff Salaries and Wages
The survey is conducted by Y Station from June to August with the results being available in October. For municipalities who participate in the survey free aggregate reporting is provided (available at a charge for those who did not participate). Customized reporting is available upon request (one free per benefits customer or at a charge).
If you have any questions, please wagesurvey [at] abmunis.ca (contact us).
Increase your savings and decrease your paperwork with your BMO Mastercard
Our BMO Mastercard offers you purchasing transparency, card controls, in-depth reporting, protection against fraud, and more.
- Annual rebate on your BMO Mastercard purchases
- No card fees for set up, annual renewal, card replacement or changes
- We will manage set up and ongoing administration
- Insurance for employee misuse
- One convenient monthly invoice
- Payment is due within 30 days of receipt of statement
- Restrict how, when and where the cards can be used based on your organization’s needs
clientdevelopment [at] abmunis.ca (Contact our team) to learn more and apply today.