Benefits of membership
We have been successfully advocating on behalf of Alberta municipalities to other orders of government and key stakeholders for more than 100 years. In addition to our Advocacy services, we offer products & services that provide outstanding value through aggregation, competitive prices and customer service tailored to meet our members’ needs.
Continuing support for Alberta Municipalities through annual membership fees, helps ensure that we keep municipal issues and needs at the forefront of provincial agendas. Our success is a direct result of membership; our strength is in our members. Members that participate in our products & services make a further investment in our organization, enabling us to better serve as your provincial advocate and leverage the strength of your purchasing power.
Member categories
We have three membership categories consist of:
- Regular:
- voting members consisting of Alberta municipalities only, including cities, towns, villages, summer villages or specialized municipalities
- Associate:
- municipalities, in or outside of Alberta, not eligible for regular membership
- municipally-related non-profit organizations or special purpose boards or commissions, authorities, foundations, commissions, and associations
- organizations wholly owned by one or more municipality(ies)
- Affiliate:
- private companies, organizations, or individuals, in or outside of the Province of Alberta
hello [at] abmunis.ca (Contact Alberta Municipalities) to discuss your eligibility to join and the membership category most appropriate for you.

How we worked for our members in 2022
2022 was a busy year for all at Alberta Municipalities. We are proud to have made strides in key areas of advocacy. Whether we are reacting to initiatives coming from the provincial government, raising concerns around emerging issues or proactively addressing the future of municipal governance, we are a strong voice and advocate for our members.
As we reflect on what 2022 meant to us, we invite you to review a few of our highlights from this year.

Join Alberta Municipalities
Is your organization ready to join Alberta Municipalities? Apply for membership today.