Part-Time Public Members - Land and Property Rights Tribunal (Tribunal)
Part-Time Public Members - Land and Property Rights Tribunal (Tribunal)
Closing Date: April 4, 2025
Role Required
The Minister of Municipal Affairs is seeking applications from individuals with farming/ranching, land agent, mediation, property assessment, appraisal and/or land planning and development experience who are interested in serving as a part-time member of the Land and Property Rights Tribunal (Tribunal).
The majority of hearings and meetings are held virtually, although some travel may be required.
Role Description
As a part-time member, you will hear and decide appeals and applications on a variety of matters involving surface rights, expropriation, property assessment, and land use planning matters. Tribunal hearings can be done in-person, virtually, or through written submission. You will make and draft decisions that are fair and well-reasoned, while observing the principles of natural justice and administrative law.
The Tribunal provides ongoing technical training and support to its members.
Candidates must be Alberta residents and may not be current elected municipal officials or members of organizations with mandates that may conflict with the Tribunal’s mandate and jurisdiction.