25 additional Nurse Practitioner positions available within the Primary Care Network

Support your local Primary Care Network (PCN) by submitting an Expression of Interest to Alberta Health by August 27 for funding to have one of 25 new Nurse Practitioners (NPs) in your community or region.

Alberta’s government is providing $3.1 million for Phase 2 of the PCN NP Support Program. The program began in 2019 and is designed to increase the number of NPs in Alberta’s healthcare system. NPs are experienced registered nurses with advanced education who can diagnose and treat patients, providing services like ordering tests and prescribing medications.

In 2020, AUMA members adopted a Board sponsored resolution calling for the province to make the financial and legislative changes required to better integrate NPs into Alberta’s healthcare system. Recent changes made by the provincial government that enable NPs to make better use of the full scope of their skills and knowledge include:

  • Updating ambulance regulations to allow NPs to work as medical directors and provide real-time medical advice to paramedics.
  • Allowing NPs to act as independent primary care providers in nursing homes.
  • Authorizing NPs to complete driver medical examination forms.

Twenty-four new full-time NPs were hired in Phase 1 of the program and another 27 NPs were grandfathered from previous programs. A total of 51 NP positions are currently funder by the PCN NP Support Program.

About 730 NPs are currently working in either Alberta Health Services or PCNs. Funding the addition of 25 more NPs within the PCN expands the use of their expertise, which can increase access to health care, especially in rural and remote locations where the need is greatest.

For more information on the requirements for Expressions of Interest and a submission form, which are due to Alberta Health by August 27, see the updated PCN NP Support Program: Program Information guide.

AUMA is aware that, at the same time the PCN NP Support Program is proceeding to Phase 2, Alberta Health is considering and announcing cuts to funding and health care provider positions in other areas. AUMA continues to monitor the province’s decisions and their overall impact on your residents’ access to health care.

If you have any questions about AUMA’s advocacy work related to access to health care, you may contact us at advocacy [at] auma.ca (advocacy[at]auma[dot]ca).