Advocacy win: New capital funding for childcare

Alberta Municipalities achieved an advocacy win last week when the Governments of Canada and Alberta announced $53 million in funding over two years through the Building Blocks Capital Grant Program.

At our Spring 2024 Municipal Leaders’ Caucus, members passed a request for decision (RFD) calling for ABmunis to advocate for increased capital grant funding for new non-profit and municipally operated childcare facilities.

Through the Building Blocks Capital Grant Program, licensed non-profit and public childcare providers, including municipalities, can apply for one-time capital funding. The funding is aimed at supporting the creation of new, full-time early learning and childcare spaces in new and existing facility-based childcare programs across Alberta, including in municipalities and schools.

Applications are now being accepted for capital projects costing more than $500,000 (major) and those costing less than $500,000 (minor). Applications will be accepted until March 15, 2025, or until funding targets are met.