Ag Forward: Managing on-farm plastics

AUMA is part of the Alberta Agricultural Plastics Recycling Group (APRG) that has been advocating for agricultural recycling in the province. AUMA members passed a resolution in 2019 calling on the provincial government to establish more recycling programs, including agricultural plastics.

Currently, the Government of Alberta is funding a three-year pilot project for grain bags and baler twine in Alberta. Cleanfarms is the program operator working with APRG to collect agricultural plastics here.

Cleanfarms and APRG are publishing a series of articles for Alberta farmers to explain the importance of agricultural plastics recycling. Topics to be covered in upcoming newsletters include:

  • Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)
  • Grain bags
  • Twine
  • Totes and drums, and
  • Cleanfarms program to manage unwanted agricultural pesticides and old livestock/equine medications (UPLM)

For more information about Alberta Ag-Plastics, Recycle It! please contact Davin Johnson, Cleanfarms Alberta Program Advisor.