AGLC releases Charitable Gaming Review

The Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis (AGLC) convened Charitable Gaming Review Working Groups in early 2021 to:

  • gather creative and innovative ideas to inform improvements to charitable gaming; and
  • ensure charitable gaming in Alberta continues to enable participating charitable organizations to deliver programs and services that reflect Albertans’ values and ultimately, benefit Albertans and their communities.

The AGLC recognized the AUMA’s vast cross-section of members and invited us to take part in the Working Groups. Cathy Heron, Mayor of the City of St. Albert, and AUMA Director, Cities up to 500,000, joined Michele Aasgard, Director, AUMA Client Development, to ensure that members’ concerns were heard during the review. Cathy and Michele worked closely with the AUMA committees to create suggestions and ideas, and note any items that may have been issues in the past.

The report, which is available on AGLC’s website, outlines three overarching themes:

  1. Simplify Processes
  2. Modernize Technology
  3. Improve Communication

AGLC is conducting further analysis to determine the impact of the suggested changes, but no timelines have been provided for this analysis. AUMA’s Executive Committee will be following the process closely, as we understand that this is an issue that is important to Alberta communities of all sizes.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this report, please feel free to email Michele Aasgard at maasgard [at] (maasgard[at]auma[dot]ca).