Alberta Ag-Plastics Recycling Program expanded to 26 sites

Alberta’s Ag-Plastics Recycling Pilot now has 26 sites open and is ready to accept empty agricultural grain bags and used twine for recycling. The six new locations are at:

  • Clear Hills County, at the Cleardale Transfer Station
  • County of Forty Mile No. 8, at the Foremost Transfer Station
  • County of Minburn, at the Mannville Waste Transfer Station
  • Cypress County, at the Hilda Transfer Station
  • Flagstaff County, at the Flagstaff Waste Regional Landfill
  • MD of Provost, at the Provost Regional Landfill

Cleanfarms operates the Alberta Ag-Plastic Recycling It pilot on behalf of the Agricultural Plastics Recycling Group, of which AUMA is a member. The Government of Alberta is funding the three-year pilot.