Alberta Collaborative EPR Study (ACES) Update

Earlier this year, Peter Demong, City of Calgary Councillor and AUMA Vice President, Cities over 500,000, brought forward a notice of motion to Calgary City Council asking the city to work with AUMA, the provincial government, industries, and Alberta municipalities to develop a baseline analysis that can inform the design of a provincial Extended Producer Responsibility Paper and Packaging Program. AUMA and many municipalities endorsed the same notice of motion. To date, 31 municipalities have endorsed the notice of motion, representing 70 per cent of Alberta’s population.

Since then, AUMA has worked with the cities of Calgary and Edmonton and the Canadian Stewardship Services Alliance (representing producers) to develop a request for proposal for the baseline work.

The project team is in the process of finalizing a contract with the successful consultant. We are looking at a very ambitious timeline for the baseline analysis, and we hope to have a draft report by September 2019, and a completed study by October 2019. We plan to update AUMA members during the September 2019 AUMA Convention in Edmonton, and participants at the Recycling Council of Alberta (RCA) annual conference in Jasper will be updated there in October.

Over the next few weeks, some of you will receive an AUMA email asking you to provide recycling data to our consultant. We know that you may have received a similar request from RCA several months ago for a different study. AUMA is working very closely with RCA and the consultant not to duplicate the effort that you already provided. However, the consultant may request some additional data and have follow-up questions for your municipality. Once again, we appreciate your municipality taking the time to support this baseline analysis.

If you have any questions about this study, please feel free to contact Che-Wei Chung, Director of Advocacy and Policy directly at 780-431-4531 or cchung [at] (cchung[at]auma[dot]ca).