Alberta Emergency Management Agency resources for municipalities during COVID-19 situation

Now that the Province of Alberta has declared a State of Public Health Emergency, you may have questions on how your municipality should respond. The Alberta Emergency Management Agency (AEMA) is especially positioned to provide you with expert advice on all continuity issues for your municipality and community (i.e. municipal facility access, staffing shortages that could affect critical service delivery, critical supply disruption, etc.)

Here is how you can get their assistance:

  • Each region of the province is assigned an AEMA Field Officer.
  • Identify your AEMA Field Officer here. Click on the region most applicable to your municipality. Scroll down to verify your community is listed.
  • Call or e-mail your Field Officer with your query.

In additional to the resources of AEMA, AUMA has created a special COVID-19 webpage that we are updating regularly with resources, tools, and templates. This page will be our central communication point, so please continue to check it regularly. Also, please monitor our Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn accounts for announcements and updates.

Finally, you can check the latest information from the Government of Alberta here. Municipal Affairs is also leading development of guidance on municipal governance related questions, such as how to hold council meetings. The ministry is seeking input from AUMA and RMA, and anticipates sharing the information by the end of the week. 

Your AUMA is here for you. Should you have questions, concerns, or require any form of assistance, please do not hesitate to %20main [at] (e-mail us).