Amplifying our municipal voice for responsible resource development

Responsible resource development is essential for the future of all municipalities. We are working with our members and other municipal associations to form a Resource Communities of Canada Coalition (RCCC).  There is a need to coordinate our Canadian municipal voice to ensure municipal perspectives are being heard on issues impacting resource development. 

There are other municipally-focused groups that are joining together to advocate for Bill C-69, but the RCCC is different in the following ways:

We are asking for your support, not money.

AUMA President Barry Morishita invited our members to become involved on February 28 by passing a motion at their next council meeting to support the Resource Communities of Canada Coalition. We have already heard back from many of our members and appreciate the show of support to make sure our voices are heard. This show of support has already gained media interest.

If your municipality hasn’t passed a motion yet, here is a template motion that can be used. 

We are focused on more issues.  

The RCCC’s first three major activities are:

  • Education campaign at FCM Conference in Quebec.

We are encouraged by the recent resolution that the FCM Board passed last week to call on the Government of Canada to support the further development of nation-building energy infrastructure projects. We are finalizing our education campaign plan and will be sending out more information soon.

  • Bill C-69 Advocacy.

We recently met with Amarjeet Sohi, MP for Edmonton Millwoods and Minister of Infrastructure and Communities and Matt Jeneroux, MP Edmonton Riverbend, Shadow Minister of Infrastructure, Communities and Urban Affairs, to discuss this Bill. We are completing a legal analysis of the bill and will share more information with you once it has been completed.  We are also investigating a coordinated approached for testifying at the Senate Committee hearings by sharing messaging and key information with sister associations.

  • Formally establish the Resource Communities of Canada.

Although activities are already underway, we do want to formalize our group with detailed terms of reference. We will be focusing on this after the educational campaign at the FCM Conference.

We are taking a strategic approach.

We are partnering with our sister municipal associations and municipalities across the country with the intent to formalize the RCCC so there is a strategic and long-term approach to ensure our unified municipal voice is heard on responsible resource development.

Please show your support by passing a motion at your next council meeting to support the Resource Communities of Canada!