Announcing the return of our Mental Fitness webinars

As recently reported by the Mental Health Index, mental stress has increased every month since March 2020. More people have reported increased levels of mental stress from month to month, with March 2021 marking 12 consecutive months of increasing stress.

Throughout the spring and summer of 2020, AUMA, the Alberta Municipal Health and Safety Association (AMHSA), and Dr. Bill Howatt led an online Maintaining Mental Fitness initiative featuring free weekly webinars. The numbers released by the Mental Health Index illustrate the need for these sessions, and many people have asked if we will be running them again. 

We are happy to announce that season 2 of our free Maintaining Mental Fitness webinars will begin at 10:00 a.m. (MST), Tuesday, May 11. The sessions will run every two weeks. Please visit to register. Each 30-minute webinar includes a 15-minute mental fitness concept or skill, followed by an interactive Q&A session for questions about mental fitness.

AUMA is proud to be associated with this very important endeavour, supporting the mental health & wellbeing of your colleagues and community.

We encourage you to promote these free sessions. These sessions are open to anyone, anywhere. Here are some social media graphics you can use:

Please e-mail Maureen O’Neil at moneil [at] (moneil[at]auma[dot]ca) if you have any questions.