AUMA appoints representatives to Alberta Police Advisory Board

Along with the new police costing model unveiled in December 2019, the Justice and Solicitor General ministry also announced the establishment of an Alberta Police Advisory Board to give municipalities a voice in setting provincial policing priorities.

This Board will be implemented in two phases:

  1. In the first year, an Interim Board will develop the structure and scope of the Advisory Board.
  2. On completion of the Interim Board’s mandate, the work of the Operational Police Advisory Board will begin for a four-year term.

As per the Terms of Reference developed by the Justice and Solicitor General ministry, the Interim Board will comprise:

  • four representatives from the RMA Board,
  • four representatives from the AUMA Board, and
  • one representative from the Alberta Association of Police Governance Executive.

The Interim Board will be primarily focused on developing the appropriate board structure, governance processes and the mandate to support an efficient and effective Operational Police Advisory Board. This Interim Advisory Board will also have the responsibility to keep municipal members (councils and local policing/advisory committees) apprised of government policing priorities and initiatives respecting policing priorities and Interim Board mandate matters.

AUMA’s Interim Board appointments are as follows:

  • Mayor Bill Given, City of Grande Prairie
  • Deputy Mayor Angela Duncan, Village of Alberta Beach
  • Councillor Tanya Thorn, Town of Okotoks
  • Councillor Trina Jones, Town of Legal

Interim Board members were appointed to ensure broad municipal perspectives and to align with each of the four RCMP districts (Central Alberta District, Eastern Alberta District, Southern Alberta District, and Western Alberta District) as closely as possible.

It is important to note, that once the Interim Board has completed its mandate, AUMA will be reaching out to membership, looking for nominations to serve on the Operational Police Advisory Board.

AUMA continues to advocate for the implementation of the new police costing model to be delayed until the 2021-22 fiscal year. We have made a formal request to the Minister of Justice and Solicitor General and are awaiting his response. We will update AUMA members as soon as we have more information.