AUMA calls on Alberta government to streamline the approval process for water and wastewater facilities
Each year during Municipal Leaders’ Caucus, AUMA members submit Requests for Decision (RFDs) on important municipal issues. These RFDs enable municipalities to bring forward emerging issues that cannot wait to be debated until the annual AUMA Convention, which usually occurs in the fall.
The AUMA Board of Directors approved an RFD that has been rescheduled for consideration at the upcoming AUMA Summer Municipal Leaders’ Caucus.
The RFD calls on the provincial government to streamline the approval process for water and wastewater projects, ensuing these projects can be approved within a reasonable timeframe while still having meaningful inputs from residents. Similar concerns have been identified by AUMA in our Red Tape Reduction submission to the provincial government. Water and wastewater regulations are one of the areas that many municipalities continue to observe regulatory barriers.
AUMA urges the provincial government to explore all opportunities to reduce red tape on municipalities and speed up infrastructure projects to create jobs and build much-needed water and wastewater infrastructure.
The Rural Municipalities of Alberta endorsed a similar resolution in November 2019.
For more information on the RFD, please contact advocacy [at] (advocacy[at]auma[dot]ca).