AUMA encouraged by $200 million in provincial grants to municipalities for infrastructure projects

Earlier today, the Government of Alberta announced $200 million in grants to municipalities across the province to upgrade local bridges, roads and community airports and make improvements to water supply and treatment facilities.

AUMA is pleased with this support for important public infrastructure, as capital stimulus is critical at this time of economic recovery. Using existing programs, such as the Alberta Municipal Water/Wastewater Partnership, enables the timelier flow of investment, as the clock is ticking fast on this year’s construction season.

AUMA has had ongoing discussions with provincial leaders about the design of the economic stimulus package for shovel-ready municipal projects:

Alberta municipalities look forward to further announcements about urgently needed operating deficit funding from the provincial and federal governments.

For further questions about AUMA’s advocacy on shovel-ready projects, please email advocacy [at] (advocacy[at]auma[dot]ca).