AUMA proud to be finalist for risk management award

We’re thrilled to announce that AUMA has been selected as a finalist for the “iv3 Solutions Award for Excellence in Risk Management” award in the fourth annual Insurance Business Canada Awards.

The Insurance Business Canada Awards are the biggest independent awards event for the Canadian insurance industry, with 21 award categories recognizing outstanding individuals and organizations who use leadership, service and innovation to support continuous improvement. The result of our award nomination will be announced at the end of November.

At AUMA, everyone plays a part to manage risk

The award nomination hinged on AUMA’s successful use of risk management and resources to support members, with examples including:

  • Offering business services (including insurance) that help members manage costs and leverage buying power
  • Providing insurance claim support that’s tailored for municipalities, using staff who understand how the Municipal Government Act impacts what municipalities are liable for
  • Using MUNIX, our insurance reciprocal (pool), to shield members from volatile rate fluctuations
  • Providing free risk management courses online for members
  • And so much more that we couldn’t fit it all in one place!

Wish us luck as we wait to hear the results of our award nomination at the end of November!