AUMA pursues full funding for policing

As part of AUMA’s advocacy work around municipal policing, we are reaching out to the Minister of Justice and Solicitor General and Ministry staff to express our strong support for full funding of the Municipal Policing Assistance Grant and the Police Officer Grant.

AUMA President Barry Morishita states, “AUMA is happy to see a commitment to crime reduction from government in the UCP platform. However, this commitment must go hand in hand with appropriate levels of funding for police services. I would like to take this opportunity to express AUMA’s strong support for these grant programs to be fully funded.”

AUMA’s engagement on this issue supports our efforts to advocate for suggested changes to the Alberta Police Act based on the following priorities:

  • Equitable funding model
  • Accountability and commitment to municipalities’ priorities
  • Consistent, equitable access to police services for all Albertans

Municipalities that receive the Municipal Policing Assistance Grant and the Police Officer Grant will be copied on a letter to the Minister that will be distributed shortly.