AUMA Resolutions Book to be released by August 26

Considering the pressures municipalities were facing due to COVID, AUMA extended the deadline to submit resolutions from May 31 to June 30 this year. AUMA is working with submitting municipalities to ensure each resolution:

  • aligns with our resolutions policy;
  • contains accurate information; and
  • has a clear recommendation for members to consider. 

AUMA also provides comments on each resolution as to whether and how the resolution relates to an existing AUMA position and other considerations that influence AUMA’s ability to act on the resolution. 

We will endeavour to finalize all resolutions as soon as possible and will release the Resolutions Book for member review ahead of convention no later than August 26.

Elected officials must be registered for Convention in order to vote on resolutions. Voting will take place electronically, and debate will take place virtually. More details on the exact process will be released closer to the event.

Visit AUMA’s Resolutions Library for more information on AUMA’s resolutions process.