AUMA and RMA seeking examples to support ICF negotiations
Many municipalities are seeking models, ideas and inspiration to assist in developing their Intermunicipal Collaboration Frameworks (ICFs). Do you and your neighbours have terms of reference, service/funding agreements or even complete ICFs that may be helpful for other municipalities? Send your examples to advocacy [at] (advocacy[at]auma[dot]ca) with the subject line ICF examples. The examples will be shared via AUMA’s MGA Change Management webpages.
AUMA and RMA have developed an ICF Workbook and templates to provide guidance on completing an ICF. Still it is helpful for municipalities to see how others have approached what can be challenging negotiating, while recognizing that each collaboration will be unique.
AUMA will also be featuring a discussion on ICFs and in particular approaches to mediation and arbitration, at the Summer Municipal Leaders’ Caucus.