AUMA shares frank perspective on municipal finances

If you were unable to tune in to Ryan Jespersen’s podcast on June 25, you missed a masters’ class on municipal finances from AUMA President Barry Morishita, Director Tanya Thorn and Mayor Brian Petersen from the Village of Hythe. Luckily, you can still watch and listen to the entire 45-minute conversation by clicking here.

The panel discussion struck a chord with Real Talk’s audience and got them thinking about how Alberta’s municipalities are funded, why the funding models are as they are, and how the provincial government has reduced funding and downloaded costs to local governments over the past several years.

Tune into Real Talk in late July for a panel discussion about welcoming and inclusive communities. To learn more about AUMA’s Welcoming and Inclusive Communities (WIC) initiative and the WIC-related tools and resources we offer, visit the WIC hub.