AUMA submits Red Tape Report to the Government of Alberta

AUMA provided our red tape submission to the Associate Minister of Red Tape Reduction and the Minister of Municipal Affairs. Each department has also received a copy of the submission that applies to their ministry.

Our submission is part of our ongoing advocacy on streamlining provincial government processes. Following the Alberta government’s implementation of the Red Tape Reduction Initiative, AUMA surveyed municipalities between April 18 and May 24, 2019 to identify areas that could be simplified.

AUMA received 142 responses to its member survey. Most respondents (just under 60 per cent) identified that they encountered regulatory barriers when dealing with drinking water, stormwater, and wastewater.

Moreover, 53.13 per cent of respondents highlighted that they experienced red tape in grant applications and reporting. To read AUMA’s full submission, please log in here.

AUMA also met with Grant Hunter, Associate Minister of Red Tape Reduction in July 2019 to share our findings. We plan to meet with the Associate Minister again this year as part of our ongoing effort to build relationships with the provincial government on this important file.

If you have futher comments regarding the AUMA Red Tape Submission, please contact advocacy [at] (advocacy[at]auma[dot]ca).