AUMA welcomes EPR as a part of the Natural Gas Strategy

The Alberta government announced the Natural Gas Vision and Strategy, focusing on establishing Alberta as a global leader in the petrochemical and natural gas industry. A key growth area identified in the strategy is plastics recycling and advancing a plastics circular economy, emphasizing developing markets through industry-operated Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) recycling programs.  

AUMA has long advocated that an EPR program is about job creation, economic diversification and protecting our environment. We thank the provincial government for listening to Alberta municipalities and recognizing municipalities’ work on the Alberta Collaborative Extended Producer Responsibility Study (ACES). The ACES final report, released earlier this year, found many similar positive economic impacts that the Natural Gas Strategy also identified.  

In the next few months, AUMA will follow up on the short-term action items listed (Fall 2020 to Winter 2021) in the Natural Gas Strategy. As part of our ongoing EPR advocacy, AUMA encourages our members to send their letter of support to their Member of Legislative Assembly supporting the Private Members’ Motion 510, urging the provincial government to examine EPR.