Brownfields addressed in new Remediation Regulation

On June 1, 2018, the province adopted a new regulation – the Remediation Regulation - to help municipalities address brownfields in their community. The new regulation, which comes into effect on January 1, 2019, is in line with AUMA’s recommendations on enhancing the Remediation Certificate Regulation

From now to January 1, 2019, status quo applies, allowing Alberta Environment and Parks time to write an action guide, as well as update application forms, guides, and processes. Alberta Environment and Parks will be starting training this October.

AUMA is pleased to see these amendments, which will remove some barriers for municipalities. Our members continue to express financial incentives as a key barrier for redevelopment. AUMA looks forward to the opportunity to work with our partners and the province to identify steps to support remediation and redevelopment through financial tools such as bringing back the Tank Site Remediation Program, tax deferral policies, and community grants.

More information on brownfields, including AUMA advocacy on this topic, can be found on the Brownfields Hub on the AUMA website.