Can I get a seconder? Tips for submitting a resolution

While the June 30 deadline for submitting a resolution may seem like a long way off, anyone planning to bring forward an issue for consideration at AUMA’s 2021 Convention in November should start the process now.

To begin, check out the 2021 AUMA Resolutions Writing Guide and Template.

Next, make sure to reach out to another municipality early in the process to see if they are willing to co-sponsor or second the resolution. This gives you the chance to determine whether your issue is of concern to other municipalities. If you cannot find another municipality to second your resolution, there is a good chance it would not be adopted at Convention.

AUMA also encourages members to send draft resolutions to resolutions [at] (resolutions[at]auma[dot]ca) before they are finalized, so that administration can confirm that your resolution meets the format and criteria set out in our resolutions policy.

Reaching out to another municipality and AUMA administration early in the resolution process will help ensure your municipality brings forward a strong, clearly written resolution for your colleagues across Alberta to consider.