Concerned members participate in online session on assessment model review

Earlier this year, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Associate Ministry of Natural Gas and Electricity launched an assessment model review for oil wells and pipelines. The changes proposed during the process, which was embargoed until recently, would substantively alter the way in which oil and gas properties are assessed and would have significant impacts on municipal revenues and viability.

AUMA hosted a webinar and discussion via Zoom on August 14 on the proposed assessment model changes. To access a recording of the online session click here.

A copy of the PowerPoint presentation shared during the session has been posted on the AUMA website for convenient member access.

Thank-you to the numerous members that participated in the online session and contributed questions, comments, and suggestions.

We are also working on a summary document which will help members understand the impacts of the proposed changes to the assessment model. And we will be providing a sample letter for you to use when contacting the media and providing feedback to MLAs and Ministers.

If you have any questions, please contact AUMA’s Advocacy staff at advocacy [at] (advocacy[at]auma[dot]ca).