Connecting with peer mentors

Are you having challenges working with a municipal colleague, or difficulties conversing with a resident about their views or concerns? Reach out to a peer!

The Peer Network is a partnership that has trained and coordinated a group of municipal leaders, including councillors and administrators, to serve as peer mentors. Peer mentors can provide impartial advice and/or assistance to help address a variety of issues and disputes faced by municipal staff and elected officials. Partnering organizations include the Rural Municipalities of Alberta, the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association, the Local Government Administration Association, and the Alberta Rural Municipal Administrators Association. Each partnering organization has two mentors representing their association.

The Peer Network website has just been updated and includes contact information for peer mentors, as well resources on intra-council conflict. 

If you have any questions about the Peer Network, or the peer mentor role, please contact AUMA Advocacy staff at advocacy [at] (advocacy[at]auma[dot]ca).