COVID-19 emergency social services funding update

Effective April 21, 2020, the Government of Alberta will be temporarily suspending applications for Social Services Support for COVID-19 emergency funding. Over 700 applications have been received and are in the process of being reviewed. Approvals for urgent requests will occur before reopening the intake of applications.

On March 17, 2020, the Alberta government announced additional emergency funding for charities, non-profits, and civil society organizations to support their COVID-19 responses. This funding is intended to support social services that enable social distancing and assist at-risk seniors and families facing homelessness, poverty, and social isolation.

The Family and Community Support Services Association of Alberta (FCSSAA) is assisting with funding administration (application intake, grant funding agreements, reporting requirements, etc.). However, these funds are not part of the FCSS program, and Alberta Community and Social Services is ultimately responsible for approving funding applications. Local FCSS offices also play a role in:

  • ensuring that their communities are aware of this funding stream;
  • receiving the funding requests; and
  • forwarding them to the FCSSAA.

Note that municipalities are not eligible for this funding unless they design and deliver eligible social services themselves. More information about the emergency social services support funding, including funding criteria and application forms, can be found here.