Debate & voting on resolutions at Convention

Next week, you will have an opportunity to provide direction on our association's advocacy priorities by voting on resolutions at Convention.

Each elected official from a Regular Member municipality who is registered to attend Convention can discuss and vote on each of the 27 resolutions submitted by members.

If you are attending our Convention, here are some tips to help you participate in the Resolutions session:

Before Convention

  • There are 27 resolutions with a lot of information to digest, so take the time to read the 2024 Resolutions Book before you head to Red Deer.

At Convention

  • Read our backgrounder on the Resolutions Voting Process to be familiar with how to speak for or against a resolution and if needed, how to propose an amendment.
  • Bring your smartphone, laptop, or other internet-enabled device to the Resolutions Session. You will need it to vote on each resolution. If you don’t have a device, we will have a few loaners available for the voting process.

Respect in debate

You may find that some resolutions are not relatable to your municipality or do not align with your personal views. The same happens in our communities when some residents do not agree with their council’s decision. There is nothing wrong with differing opinions, but how we deal with those differences matters.

ABmunis’ Convention is a perfect venue to show Albertans how to have constructive and respectful debate on political issues. Media will be present to report on the top stories. Some tips to keep in mind:

  • Be an active listener to understand why a resolution issue is important to that council
  • Envision yourself in their shoes
  • If you do not agree, question the policy, not the person, council or people who live in that community.

We look forward to hosting all 1,100 delegates in Red Deer next week and witnessing some thought-provoking and respectful debate on issues that matter to municipal leaders from across Alberta.