Diabetes Canada requests assistance to clear garbage from around bins in your municipality

In the interest of public health and safety and to comply with public health orders, many community organizations have stopped picking up or accepting donations during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Unfortunately, bins are now overflowing, creating a community health and safety issue. Diabetes Canada is asking Canada’s mayors, elected officials, and municipal staff to help raise awareness of the suspension of bin pickup programs and to find ways to clear garbage and soiled textiles from their donation bin sites.

Some cities have already taken action to clean up around the donation bins in their communities. Diabetes Canada will continue to urge the public to hold off on their bin donations and is grateful for any assistance AUMA members can provide.

If this is an issue in your community, please don't hesitate to reach out to Simon Langer by e-mail (Simon.Langer [at] diabetes.ca) or phone (416-315-9936) to discuss how you can work together to keep clear Diabetes Canada’s donation bin sites.