Dogs on Patios: Call for Feedback on Proposed Changes to the Food Regulation

The Government of Alberta is proposing amendments to the province’s Food Regulation to reduce red tape for operators of food establishments who choose to allow dogs in outdoor eating areas, such as patios.

Currently, the Regulation allows an animal in a food establishment only if they are a service animal or if a public health inspector specifically authorizes the presence of that animal. Other North American jurisdictions have recently changed legislation to make it easier for operators of food establishments, such as restaurants, bars and cafés, to allow customers to bring dogs with them into outdoor eating areas, such as patios.

Alberta Health is proposing to amend the Food Regulation to enable food establishment operators to allow customers to bring dogs into outdoor eating areas subject to the following food safety measures:

  • The dog can access the outdoor eating area without passing through any indoor food handling areas of the establishment (e.g., food preparation, storage and dining areas); and
  • The dog is under the direct control of the customer at all times with a leash or carrier.

Alberta Health has reached out to AUMA to solicit feedback from municipalities on this proposed policy change. Please contact Kelly Santarossa, Senior Policy Advisor, at ksantarossa [at] (ksantarossa[at]auma[dot]ca) before October 14, 2021, to share your thoughts on this topic.