Enhancing Municipal Safety: Addressing Top Liability Claims with Proactive Policies

In 2023, the top two reported liability claims within our insurance program were sewer backup claims and slips and falls. As part of our commitment to providing practical support to participants in our Insurance & Risk Services, our team has recently developed materials that help address these two issues. 

Managing sewer backup claims
Sewer backup issues are a common concern for homeowners and can result in municipality’s facing insurance claims. However, it’s important to note that municipalities are found liable in approximately one out of every 30 sewer backup claims made.
To support municipalities in navigating this issue, we’ve created guidelines for navigating sewer backup claims, investigating your liability, and establishing a Sewer Backup Maintenance Policy. 

Sidewalk maintenance policy
Regular upkeep extends the lifespan of sidewalks, saving money on repairs and preserving municipal resources. It also improves the look of neighborhoods and increases property values. Overall, creating and implementing a Municipal Sidewalk, Curb, and Gutter Maintenance Policy shows the municipality’s commitment to creating a safe and attractive environment for its residents. 
We’ve developed comprehensive guidance on how to develop this policy along with supporting materials for its implementation.
To learn more and to request these materials, please riskservices [at] abmunis.ca (connect with us )today.