Exciting news for recycling in Alberta

In December 2019, the Minister of Environment and Parks announced regulatory changes to the provincial paint, oil, electronic and tire recycling programs. In the past, fee changes required Cabinet approval. The recent amendments allow the Alberta Recycling Management Authority (ARMA) to notify the Minister of proposed fee changes, giving ARMA flexibility and responsiveness to operate programs while still having oversight from the Minister.

AUMA applauds the recent announcement, and thanks the Minister for listening to municipalities’ feedback. AUMA has advocated for greater flexibility for ARMA since 2017, and we reiterated the need to streamline recycling regulations in our red tape submission to the provincial government in 2019.

In 2020, AUMA wants to continue partnering with Alberta Environment and Parks on further streamlining recycling regulations and establishing more made-in-Alberta recycling programs, including an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) paper and packaging program.

A report commissioned by AUMA, Cities of Calgary and Edmonton, and the Canadian Stewardship Services Alliance, demonstrates EPR regulations for paper and packaging aligns with the Alberta government’s platform, including job creations, red tape reduction and making life better for Albertans.

For more information about AUMA’s advocacy on EPR paper and packaging, please visit AUMA Waste Management Hub.