Follow-up on Member Requests for Decision

During Municipal Leaders Caucus (MLC) earlier this month, three member requests for decisions (RFDs) were approved. AUMA is now following up on these items.

Member RFD from the Town of Slave Lake - All Albertans Deserve Access to Justice

AUMA’s Safe and Healthy Communities Committee will discuss the RFD at their meeting this Friday and will provide an advocacy recommendation for consideration at the May AUMA Board meeting. The RFD compliments and expands AUMA’s existing advocacy on policing and justice issues.

Member RFD from the Village of Forestburg - Local Government Funding Framework (LGFF) Implementation

This RFD has already influenced AUMA’s advocacy on the LGFF. It provided the opportunity for AUMA to pose a question to the Ministers of Municipal Affairs and Finance during the Ministerial Dialogue Session at MLC regarding removal of the 50 percent growth limit. In addition, on April 23, AUMA’s Board approved sending a letter to the Minister of Municipal Affairs requesting a meeting to explore improvements to the LGFF as outlined in the RFD.

Member RFD from the Village of Forestburg – Proposed Amendment to the Municipal Government Act – Division 5 Special Tax

The RFD will inform AUMA’s ongoing engagement with Municipal Affairs to advocate for enhancements to Alberta’s property assessment and taxation regime. The Ministry indicates that it will conduct a red tape reduction review of MGA provisions related to assessment early next year. This provides the best chance to advocate for the legislation necessary to capture policing costs as a separate levy on municipal property tax notices. AUMA’s Municipal Governance Committee is leading our advocacy on this file.


If your municipality has identified any issue that may be a priority for municipalities throughout Alberta, consider submitting a resolution for discussion at AUMA’s Convention in November. The deadline for submission is June 30, 2021 and guidance on the process is available on AUMA’s website. Don’t forget to find a supporting municipality to second the resolution before it is submitted.