Free access for AUMA members to BoxofDocs

To support our members and to promote increased access to a central collection of municipal information for COVID-19, AUMA is working with BoxOfDocs to provide our members free personalized access to their services. 

BoxOfDocs continuously pulls together local government policies, bylaws, procedures and many other government resources to help you find the pertinent information you're looking for. Due to the current situation, BoxOfDocs is giving local governments free access to the global platform for 60 days to help with your emergency response planning.

This collection of documents allows municipal staff to quickly search for information in an easy-to-use interface. However, please keep in mind that it won’t be tailored to your municipality’s needs specifically, and adaptation and legal vetting is still required. 

The BoxOfDocs mission is to help local governments work together to create safe and thriving communities, and to facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing between municipalities. In times like these, it’s important to remember that we're stronger if we work together.

If you are interested in taking advantage of this free access, please visit the BoxOfDocs website and click on the free access button.