Have your say on police funding!

Police resource funding has long been a key component of AUMA's ongoing advocacy for top municipal priorities. The Government of Alberta has heard from our members about the need for a more equitable police funding model for Alberta, and they want to hear from AUMA members. Based on this feedback, the Ministry of Justice and Solicitor General has designed a draft police funding model and wants to test this model with municipalities.  

Last week, AUMA members should have received an email from Justice and Solicitor General inviting them to participate in a webinar on Alberta’s police funding model. This webinar is being hosted by Justice and Solicitor General and Municipal Affairs on Friday, September 6, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. The purpose of the webinar is to gather feedback from municipalities on the factors to be included in the draft police funding model. Municipalities can also submit written feedback on the model until October 15, 2019.

To participate in the webinar, click on this link at the webinar’s scheduled start time. There is no need to pre-register for the webinar. If you have any questions about the webinar, please contact JSG.PSDEngagement [at] gov.ab.ca (JSG[dot]PSDEngagement[at]gov[dot]ab[dot]ca).

Last year, AUMA established a Police Act Working Group to inform our responses to consultations on policing. More information about the working group, including membership and terms of reference, is posted here. A copy of the working group’s first submission to the province, which outlines AUMA’s suggested principles for a more equitable police funding model, can be viewed here.

The working group will be coordinating AUMA’s response to the upcoming call for feedback on the draft police funding model. If you would like to share your municipality’s feedback with the working group, or if you have any questions about AUMA’s advocacy on this topic, please contact Kelly Santarossa, Senior Policy Advisor, at 780-409-4315 or ksantarossa [at] auma.ca (ksantarossa[at]auma[dot]ca)