Help Shape EMS in Alberta; Complete Survey by April 8!

Alberta Health Services (AHS) is currently developing a long-term Provincial Service Plan for Emergency Medical Services (EMS). This service plan will reflect how EMS integrates into Alberta’s health system; provide the vision and direction for EMS in Alberta for the next five years; and set out a clear roadmap on how to get there. The plan will be completed by September 30, 2022.

AHS’ first step is to assess the current state of EMS, and they are doing this by launching an engagement website and a survey. You can get involved by:

  1. Visiting Together 4 Health’s EMS Service Planning webpage and subscribing to project updates so you can take part in current and future EMS engagement opportunities. 
  2. Watching the 30-minute introductory video on the Together4Health site about the EMS Provincial Service Planning process. This video provides valuable background on EMS.
  3. Completing the “Current State Survey” on the website, which should only take about 5-10 minutes. The survey closes April 8, 2022.

AHS and Alberta Health look forward to connecting with patients and families, frontline EMS and AHS staff, elected officials, Indigenous communities, contracted service partners, medical first responders, and other parts of the healthcare system now and over the coming months.