Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Update

The AUMA submitted our feedback to the Alberta Environment and Parks Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) discussion paper in May, and we continue working with the Alberta government to get EPR programs ready to go as soon as possible.

Some of you have told us that you are facing higher household hazardous waste (HHW) recycling costs because of the closure of the Swan Hills Waste Treatment Centre. Many of you have shared that higher recycling costs are barriers to continue the collection service. The AUMA believes that this is not the time for service disruption and interruption – a year before a permanent HHW program is being considered.

We sent a letter to the Ministers of Infrastructure and Environment and Parks and engaged with staff to share our concerns.

In November, AUMA’s Board of Directors plans to bring forward a resolution calling on the provincial government to provide bridge funding for HHW collection until an EPR program is in place. The bridge funding will provide stability and continuity for Albertans until we have a permanent program. The Resolution Book will be published in September 2021.

If your municipality has questions about HHW collection, please contact the Alberta Recycling Management Authority for support and more information.