How municipalities are supporting businesses impacted by COVID-19

In recent weeks, AUMA has been approached by some members seeking information on how municipalities may be offering financial support to businesses impacted by COVID-19. Many members are going the extra mile to keep local businesses and organizations aware of the programs offered by the Government of Canada and Government of Alberta. In addition, we are hearing about some municipalities taking unique steps to support their local businesses. Current examples include:

  • The City of Leduc and City of Wetaskiwin have partnered with their regional chamber to cover up to $600 of expenses for local businesses who need a qualified accountant to assist in the application for provincial or federal government COVID-19 programs.
  • The Town of Didsbury is waiving business license fees and development permit fees for the period of January 1 to March 31, 2021. 
  • The Town of Fairview is offering up to $5,000 in financial support for businesses that were required to close operations as of December 13, 2020. Fairview’s COVID-19 Business Support Grant is open to food and beverage businesses, entertainment and recreation facilities, and personal and wellness services that are located within a commercial zone and has a total budget of $75,000.
  • The City of Grande Prairie’s Local Marketing Grant will pay up to 50% to a maximum of $2,500 to help local businesses create a marketing plan to enhance their marketing efforts and drive cash flow to their business.

Be informed about current federal and provincial economic supports for COVID-19

Check out AUMA’s newly updated Guide for Municipal Leaders on Canada’s and Alberta’s Economic Response to COVID-19. Originally released in April 2020, we continue to update the Guide so you can be informed about current programs that households and businesses can take advantage of to help alleviate financial pressures.

If you have questions about our Guide or want to share an example of how your municipality is supporting businesses impacted by COVID-19, contact us at advocacy [at] (advocacy[at]auma[dot]ca).