ICF survey results from our members

More than 90 municipalities responded to the Intermunicipal Collaboration Frameworks (ICFs) survey AUMA conducted in December. Results show that while many municipalities will meet the April 1, 2020 deadline, others are struggling to find the resources and willing partner necessary to progress. The responses were summarized into a report, 2019 Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework Member Survey – Results. 

Also, if you have not already done so, please have a look at the other ICF resources developed by AUMA and RMA.

AUMA and RMA have partnered to provide their members with a short reference document that outlines the Bill 25 changes, how they may impact your ICF process, and other recommended considerations for ICFs.

AUMA and RMA are also currently working on updating the Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework Workbook that was released in 2018. The workbook is still a valuable resource in its current form, so there is no need to wait for the updates; feel free to refer to it today.

In addition, AUMA is developing tips sheets to help address some of the common challenges that municipalities reported in the survey, so stay tuned!

If you have any questions on the ICF survey report or the ICF change management resources, please contact AUMA’s advocacy team at advocacy [at] auma.ca (advocacy[at]auma[dot]ca).