Join the 50-30 Challenge!

The 50-30 Challenge is a collaborative initiative between the Government of Canada and several business and diversity organizations. The challenge is open to boards of directors and senior management teams, including for municipalities and not-for-profit organizations. 

As of April 6, over 1,100 organizations have taken the pledge to have:

  1. Gender parity ("50%") on board(s) and senior management; and 
  1. Significant representation ("30%") on board(s) and senior management of other under-represented groups, including racialized persons, people living with disabilities (including invisible and episodic disabilities) and members of the LGBTQ2 community. The program and participants recognize that First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples as founding peoples of Canada are under-represented in positions of economic influence and leadership. 

Effective diversity and inclusion strategies can help organizations of all sizes advance their goals. Diverse organizations are more likely to outperform their peers, are twice as likely to meet or exceed financial targets, and are eight times more likely to achieve better business outcomes. Not only will your business see these improvements, but it will also adapt your business to further reflect your audience and/or members.

AUMA is committed to providing support and resources for women interested in running in their municipal elections. Further, AUMA is leading a working group to increase the number of women in senior leadership positions in municipal administration.

Please visit our website to see the resources available to our members, and take the 50-30 pledge today! 

If you have any questions about this initiative, you can connect with Maureen at moneil [at]

Once you sign up, you can amplify your message with some social media messaging:

  • Short message - for twitter for example: We’ve joined the Government of Canada’s 50-30 Challenge to increase diversity in our workplace! Learn more about the challenge here at 
  • Longer message – for Facebook/Linked in: Has your workplace signed up for the 50-30 Challenge? We have! Companies, organizations, and not-for-profits across the country have joined the Government of Canada’s initiative to increase the representation and inclusion of under-represented groups in leadership positions. The challenge is rooted in two aspirational commitments: gender parity (50%) and significant representation (30%) on boards and senior management. If you’re ready to take on the challenge, get started by visiting