Joint study presents a compelling vision for extended producer responsibility

Alberta municipalities have been actively building multi-stakeholder support for extended producer responsibility (EPR) for residential packaging and paper products (PPP) since 2013. Last month, a new study funded by AUMA, the cities of Edmonton and Calgary, and the Canadian Stewardship Services Alliance (CSSA) presents a vision for a made-in-Alberta solution to EPR for PPP that comes with undeniable economic, environmental, and social benefits.

Study findings

Among its many findings, the study projects that a made-in-Alberta approach to EPR for PPP will:

  • reduce the recycling collection services costs that municipalities charge their residents each year by up to $105 million
  • inject $16 million to the Alberta economy every year
  • add approximately 220 new jobs in Alberta’s recycling industry
  • reduce CO2 emissions by 72,000 tonnes each year (the equivalent of removing 15,000 cars from the road annually)

To learn more:

Opportunities for municipalities to get involved

AUMA would like to see the provincial government endorse the merits of EPR for PPP in Alberta and commit to creating a province-led implementation plan this election term.

AUMA members can support our efforts in several ways: 

  • Reach out to Advocacy [at] (AUMA) and add your name to the list of organizations that support EPR for packaging and paper products in Alberta. 
  • Write to your MLA about modernizing Alberta’s regulatory framework! Download the letter template, add any customized content, and email it to your MLA as a municipality or supportive elected official. 
  • Use the social media tag #ABneedsEPR and highlight your support for EPR for packaging and paper products in Alberta through your social media channels.
  • If you have any questions about extended producer responsibility, please contact AUMA’s Advocacy team at advocacy [at]