Lack of police resources a crime in Alberta communities

Message from the President

Ensuring Alberta communities have adequate police resources has been a long-standing issue for AUMA and its members.  We have advocated on various topics related to policing, from amending the Police Officer Collective Bargaining Act, to equitable funding for policing services, and a call for increased funding for ALERT. A constant issue throughout is the need for improved police resources for all Alberta communities. 

One of the key concerns is the chronic shortfalls in police funding. These shortfalls are the result of funding programs that have not kept pace with growing populations and increasing crime rates. We need a new funding model, one that aligns municipal contributions based on the demand for police services and the ability to pay for those services. 

AUMA established a Police Act Working Group with the mandate to conduct a review of the Alberta Police Act and develop recommendations to improve resources for policing services and community safety; and to recommend a new, more equitable police funding model.  These recommendations will inform our response to the Province. 

I have full confidence in our Working Group and know they will come back with some sound recommendations, but we need to know the review will continue to take place after the election.

With an election date of April 16, 2019, it is more important than ever to get this issue in front of the candidates in your riding and ask them this very important question: 

Does your party commit to developing a more equitable police funding model where every municipality pays based on their demand for police services and their ability to pay?

Let the candidates know that Alberta communities are stronger with a commitment from government for a new funding model to improve resources for police services. 

Visit for more information on the three key municipal issues and AUMA’s campaign for Strong Communities Build Alberta.