LAEA transitional regulation addresses municipal concerns regarding campaign deficits

Earlier this month, the Minister of Municipal Affairs approved the Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA) Deficit Elimination Transitional Regulation regarding deficits carried over from the 2017 general election and by-elections.

Recent amendments to the LAEA prevent candidates from collecting contributions or spending on campaigns outside a newly established “campaign period” of January 1-December 31 in the year of a general election, and in the case of a by-election, the period set by bylaw or resolution to 60 days immediately following the by-election. Municipalities were concerned these amendments would prevent some candidates who ran in the 2017 election from paying down their campaign deficits.

The new regulation provides a transitional “deficit elimination period.” Candidates who ran in the 2017 elections or in by-elections that took place before December 11, 2018, have until December 31, 2020, to accept contributions or use their own funds to eliminate their campaign deficits.

Any questions regarding the LAEA and the transitional regulation should be directed to Alberta Municipal Affairs. AUMA is working with Municipal Affair to develop change management tools to support implementation of the new local election rules before the 2021 municipal elections.