March 26 EOEP course will help you take service delivery to the next level

Demystify municipal service delivery and what it means in your role. Register today for the Elected Officials Education Program (EOEP) course, Council’s Role in Municipal Service Delivery taking place in Edmonton on March 26 - the day before Municipal Leaders’ Caucus.

Municipalities are all about delivering the services that support safe, healthy and prosperous communities. Council’s role in this process is to decide what services are needed, what level they need to be delivered at, and what methods of delivery best fit the needs of the community. Examples of what a municipal service delivery include police protection, library, transportation and wastewater collection and treatment.

The course will help you work through the following questions:

  • How do you determine what services are right for your municipality? 
  • How do you know when to provide the service and who should be involved in the delivery of that service? 
  • Do you have the budget? 
  • Can you work with your neighbour to bring the service you want to your municipality?

Interested in collaborating with your neighbours by being a host municipality for an EOEP course?  Visit for more information or contact the Registrar at 780-989-7431 or registrar [at] (registrar[at]eoep[dot]ca[dot]adf)