May 4-10 is Mental Health Week

Mental Health Week is a Canadian tradition, with communities, schools and workplaces rallying to celebrate, protect, and promote mental health. We know this is important in our communities and want to ensure you have access to information and tools to participate.

Please visit for CMHA Mental Health Week details and tools. This year, the theme is ‘social connection’ and its importance for mental health. The campaign calls for us to #GetReal about how we really feel.

AUMA is supporting the mental health of our communities through the Free weekly webinar: Tactics for Maintaining Mental Fitness During the COVID-19 Pandemic brought to you by AUMA, Alberta Municipal Health & Safety Association, the Canadian Society of Safety Engineering, and Howatt Consulting. These weekly discussions feature key behaviours for organizations and individuals to maintain mental fitness during the pandemic.

AUMA is there for its members. The Employee Family Assistance Program (EFAP) is available for many subscribers of our healthcare benefits plan. Please email benefits [at] (benefits[at]auma[dot]ca) if you have any further questions about how AUMA can support you.