Media advisory: AUMA Convention occurs September 25-27 in Edmonton

AUMA Convention occurs September 25-27 in Edmonton

News media are invited to join federal candidates, provincial ministers, and elected officials from across Alberta at the upcoming Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA) annual convention, which takes place September 25-27 at the Edmonton Convention Centre.

Visit our website for full agenda details.

Media Sign-in: All members of the media wishing to attend the convention must check-in at the registration desk, where they will receive a media badge. This badge will provide access to Salon 5, the designated media room, as well as the convention sessions, opening ceremonies, keynotes, and more. Your badge must be returned at the end of each day.

Media Room: Salon 5 at the Edmonton Convention Centre is designated as the dedicated media room for any media scrums or announcements by the AUMA, the provincial government, or any other participating organizations. The room will be available during the following dates/times:

  • September 25, 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.
  • September 26, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • September 27, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Notification regarding any announcements or media availability with dignitaries will be distributed to the media by the respective organization.

Additional information, including more information about dates and times media may be interested in attending during Convention, will be distributed next week.


For more information:
communications [at] (Carla Putnam Kerr)
Communications Manager, AUMA