MSI Update

AUMA recently received an inquiry from a member looking for an update on AUMA’s progress in working with Municipal Affairs on a replacement program for MSI.

Although we did respond to the inquiry directly, we thought all AUMA members might benefit from the information.

Current MSI program continues until 2021:

The current MSI deal lasts for three more years (2019, 2020, and 2021).  The Provincial Government has committed to meeting its $11.3 billion MSI/BMTG commitment by the end of 2021 and they have shown this in their last spring budget.  As a result, municipalities should be receiving close to the same amounts of MSI and BMTG grant funds in the next three years as in the past years.

MSI replacement program update:

As announced in late November, Calgary and Edmonton have reached a funding agreement through the City Charters Fiscal Framework Act, and many aspects of that agreement align with AUMA’s position that municipalities need predictable funding that will grow with the needs of Alberta’s communities.

With respect to a program for all Alberta municipalities, AUMA and RMA have been actively involved in negotiating an agreement with the Provincial Government for a new program for all our members that is on par with the arrangement made with Calgary and Edmonton.  All three parties are working to have this agreement for the new funding program to be completed by January 31, 2019.    This new funding program would take effect in the 2022-2023 provincial budget year.