Municipal Climate Change Action Centre (MCCAC) programs are expanding

The Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA) and the Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA) are pleased to partner with the Government of Alberta to develop programs through the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre (MCCAC). With an additional $54 million in funding from the Government of Alberta, the MCCAC will be developing programs that advance the development of community generation, enhance efficiency within municipal and community buildings, promote the installation of renewables on schools and enable the greening of municipal fleet assets. Programs will be developed in the following areas:

Funding Stream

Funding Available

Renewable Energy / Community Generation

$16.5 million

Community Infrastructure Greening

$17.5 million

Renewable Energy for Schools

$15.0 million

Municipal Fleet Greening

$5.0 million


Program and participation details will be released in Fall 2018.

Currently, AUMA and RMA are collecting feedback from Alberta municipalities on future program design and proposed projects. Various stakeholder sessions have been held with municipal leaders. Additional sessions may be planned in the future.

We welcome additional feedback on future program design for the four listed funding areas from all interested stakeholders (including vendors, service providers, community groups, associations, etc.) Please email your program design suggestions and comments to contact [at] (contact[at]mccac[dot]ca)

If you are interested in playing a leading role in developing and implementing these programs, the AUMA is recruiting a leader to fulfill the role of MCCAC Director. To find out more about this opportunity please visit:

The AUMA will be looking to grow the MCCAC team with passionate energy professionals to support this initiative. Further details on employment opportunities will be provided on the AUMA website when available.